Tuesday, September 29, 2015

the foundation cannot be a poor majority & needs to be a richer one

because america over gave foreign aid that now america has to get foreign deals n investments-who will feeds america's poor if america cant?

there are grocery stores in each street corner stocked-yet hungry & the extreme poor can't get any nor is there enough food for poor countries -irresponsible IC

irresponsible inventory control & irresponsible consumption

what exactly is the struggle of the majority of the people in these united states?
What are we trying to achieve everyday? why are many just struggling to get by & live pay check to paycheck? why are many homeless & hungry? why?
-the government officials we elect seem to argue without reaching any solutions
or they seem to be influenced by lobbyists & corporations instead serving all of the people. the politicians rarely seem to be seeking workable solutions & instead choose to stagnate the flow of the system.

capitalism does not equal democracy-we can't think that over stuffing market with useless products is healthy & system can collapse so there needs to be a balance

many workable principals of capitalism should be applied, but pure capitalism does not work as pure 'any system' does not work in life.

we must incorporate workable principals of various financial systems to sustain a successful economy as well as have avenues for people to prosper

especially. in USA, it is easy to see that unbalance of the scale 1% vs 9% vs 30% vs 60% do not serve a majority as 1% are the mega wealth holders & 60% are closer to the poverty line-wake up & make responsible changes
upper middle
middle class middle class
Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor
-how can the poor financially hold up the rich? esp. when there is no trickle down

buy buy buy attitudes only leaves those without much money only enough for rent/bare necessities & the poorest stressed & with lot of debt

system can collapse because the wealthy few keep getting richer creating a pyramid like scheme & lower layers won't be able to buy anymore

When lower layers wont be able to buy anymore & there is no $$ fed back into system by wealth hoarders -standstill will make it all crumble

see, the lower layer is the foundation -so if the foundation which is the poor majority is not strong -they can't hold up the rich so there -any builder knows it is the foundation that has to be strong - and in nature the strong roots hold up a tree

the lower majority has to be stronger - they need to have financial resources for the foundation to be strong & healthy therefore holding it all together

so the pyramid has to be 1% poor absolute destitute 9% somewhat poor 10% lower middle 20% upper middle class 60% rich & well off

somewhat poor
lower middle class
upper middle class upper middle
rich rich rich rich rich rich wealthy wealthy rich

-sort of like a trickle up

then the foundation will be strong to support the US economy & any crumbling will be easily fixed

just because your grandpa's world wasn't thinking or looking at all sides when making decisions doesn't mean that we can't change things now

the financial foundation build upon a poor majority will crack & create a system collapse unless monetary solution is fed at the roots

my views are my own - not paid for by any organization or political individuals or lobbyists (c)