Tuesday, August 21, 2012

a comment on Google: Don't Sponsor Bigotry

Re: http://www.change.org/petitions/google-dont-sponsor-bigotry

I wish there was a middle ground for this. There is that option of Freedom of Speech.  Why would, I, a brown person defend their right to free speech? If we limit them, then we are limited too.  It's like someone who is white should have the right to say, "white people great" but not to say "white people are great but all brown/black people or other ethnic people should die." Another aspect is that it is better to know the hate upfront than it being hidden. It is better to be hated with words than killing with hate with hidden agendas. In a way it is good that Google is bringing their voice to the open, maybe then we can have point of discussions. Why do some of the bigots hate people of color-is it because of a personal bullying experience or what they been taught?  It is great to have a variety of cultures and be proud of our heritages as long as we don't hate on someone else's differences. I think that if google is going to sponsor their forum google should also facilitate a discussion about race relations, hate, acceptance, and find out the root cause of hate.   But on the other hand, it is also good to nip terrorism in the bud, because extremisms can be bad. "proud to be brown. proud to be white proud to be black proud to be purple proud to be green proud to be yellow proud to be grey" as long as we don't think that someone of another color is inferior or should be killed. Individuals can be inferior no matter the race or ethnicity OR superior. If Google sponsors this group, then Google also have to ask themselves would they sponsor a group that hated white people? Anyway, why can't these supremacists get with the program and help heal the world and find solutions to help where they are instead of focusing on destruction. We all share this planet, and should be able to peacefully, instead of being reactive all the time about little things. 

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